
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Achieving an ambition and working on the next one!

Today a piece of my fiction is officially published.  It was selected for inclusion in an ebook by author Caroline Smailes and the resulting collection of flash fiction inspired by music is now available on Amazon to download to Kindle or PC.

I am incredibly proud of this.  I've wanted to write ever since I can remember.  I have a cupboard full of poetry and articles, children's stories and part finished novels.  My 'things to do before I'm....' lists have always included "get published".

So I am proud, chuffed and grinning inanely, and not sure whether to leap about the place or simply sit quietly embracing the achievement.

It's an item I can tick off my list.

And what do I do next?  Move on to the next thing on the list of course; and from a writing perspective that's got to be to achieve publication in hard copy format.  A book you can hold.  That was the original ambition.  The Internet's not that old and didn't exist when my publication dream first came into being!

And so, I keep an eye on those emails to see if the publisher that currently has a copy of my brilliant children's story decides they like it; and I continue to work on the novel, and I start to think about approaching magazines or newspapers to sell articles.

Because, you see, despite the fact that I love my day job, writing is something that writers just do; and I can't stop.

Click here for more information about 100RPM and it's publication to raise money for the charity One in Four who supply support and resources to those who have suffered sexual abuse or violence.  Please download it today!


  1. Hugest congratulations! I am just starting my writing journey and am loving the new lease of life it is giving me. Well done again!

  2. Fantastic achievement - well done. I'm sure your writing will be in hard-copy book form before you know it!

  3. Oh wow - well done. You are way furher down the line than me, so i am inspired that one day, may be one day, I'll get somewhere with my writing...

  4. Well done! Such a great achievement!

  5. Thank you ladies. I keep suddenly remembering and grinning randomly. Bit out of place in a chemist queue! Locals round my town will think I'm somewhat eccentric! :-)

  6. Well done! Am very envious, I've just had my first article published in The Times so feel equally chuffed!

    1. WOW! I am VERY impressed with that. In the company of the brilliant Caitlin Moran! Well done you. I can only aspire to that at the moment. But you wait... I'm working on it! ;-)

  7. Great Job and a well done!


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