Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Out of the mouths of babes (Aug 2012)

outofthemouthsofbabesWhen you are a parent you hear words together in sentences that you never expected to hear together, let alone in a sentence that made sense.

Snowman.  Willy.  Hairy.

Three words.  Would you like to know how they ended up in a sentence together? 

My husband likes to buy Imperial Leather's foamburst.  If you are not familiar with the product, it is a type of shower gel that, when it comes into contact with wet skin, becomes exceedingly, ridiculously, foamy.  Children obviously love it.

Our 6 year old girl walks into the bathroom whilst her dad is taking a shower on holiday.  It's one of those over-the-bath showers, so, from her vantage point, there is nothing between her and him.  The glass screen isn't in the way.  He has already stepped slightly out of the spray of the shower and has covered himself in 'foamburst'.  

She looks at him and giggles.

He says; "do I look like a snowman?" thinking obviously that’s why she’s giggling.

"No." she says.  "Snowman aren't hairy"

"So do I look like a hairy snowman?" he says laughing.

"No." she says. "Snowmen aren't hairy". She does like to correct us. 

“So what do I look like?" he asks, as she's is still giggling.  And anyone who's been laughed at by a child whilst they are naked will understand it's a little perplexing.

She laughs somemore and this is the point when I walked into the room; and this is the first thing I hear her say:

"You look like a hairy snowman with a willy" she says giggling and running back out of the room.

Like I said.  Three words.  Not expected together. And not even that funny.  But she didn’t stop giggling to herself for the rest of the evening.  What is it about that word that just makes everyone smirk.

Now you know the drill by now folks.  The idea is that we get everyone’s “Out of the mouths of babes” stories of the month and collect them here.  

Add yours by clicking to comment below; or write a blog post using this prompt, grab yourself the badge so everyone can get back to the main list, and link up your post below.  Share the funnies and visit a couple of other posts whilst you are here!  

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Then grab a cuppa, unplug the phone, and enjoy the posts as they are added!  Whilst you are waiting for them, here are the previous editions for your giggling pleasure! Out of the mouths of babes 


Thanks for sharing!


  1. So cute :) My LO is only 7 months so I can't contribute just yet but no doubt that first word will be outed sooner than I know! Got a feeling it'll be far more random and possibly ruder than I'm ready for... LOL x

    1. Ha. Absolutely! You have to be so very careful what you say because they copy EVERYTHING!


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